Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are Side Effects a Concern With Resveratrol?

Today's guest article is about the effects of Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grapes and red wine that can help prevent heart disease and slow signs of aging as well as other health benefits. But are there side effects to this naturally occurring wonder?

Resveratrol side effects are a topic of some discussion as this naturally produced chemical has been incorporated into a number of comprehensive dietary supplements. As with any supplement, vitamin or medication, possible complications are a legitimate cause for concern, but the more you can learn about Resveratrol the more you'll be able to ease your mind.

Resveratrol is a plant chemical found in red grapes and grape seeds and the products made from them, including juice and red wine. Resveratrol has been shown to have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and cholesterol lowering properties, making it an important addition to any health regimen. With its range of helpful properties it is known to do everything from preventing heart disease and some cancers to lowering cholesterol levels and even slowing the progress of Alzheimer's Disease.

While the inclusion of a comprehensive daily supplement including Resveratrol in your regular routine can be very beneficial, Resveratrol side effects do exist and it is important that you be aware of any potential risks. On the plus side, direct adverse reactions to Resveratrol have yet to be reported, but there are some specific areas of caution which should be heeded.

Since Resveratrol has some estrogen related properties, women with estrogen sensitive conditions should consult a doctor before taking it. Also, Resveratrol can act as a blood thinner, so anyone taking blood thinning medications is strongly urged to consult a doctor before beginning to take a supplement which contains Resveratrol. As with any supplement or medication, nursing or pregnant women and anyone taking prescription medications should also use caution when taking Resveratrol.

While Resveratrol side effects are relatively limited, the benefits of this natural substance have been shown to be wide spread, affecting everything from circulation and joint function to respiratory health. Resveratrol is particularly effective when used in combination with other natural substances as part of a comprehensive dietary supplement.

When combined with the effects of other minerals, amino acids, enzymes and anti-oxidants, Resveratrol can be part of a long term regimen to combat the signs of aging. Dietary supplements containing natural substances such as these can help to bolster the body's natural defenses and even reverse damage caused by environmental irritants.

As part of a healthy lifestyle which includes a balanced diet, proper exercise and adequate hydration, a daily natural supplement can be your best weapon in the fight against aging. Not only can natural supplements leave you feeling energized and strong, they can help to reverse the effects of aging on everything from your internal systems to your skin and hair. Despite possible Resveratrol side effects, this can be the most important step you'll ever take in terms of your overall health.

You should never put anything into your body that you don't trust, but studies show there is no reason not to trust Resveratrol and other natural substances. Just take the time to research and make sure you are using the best possible product for you and you'll be looking and feeling better in no time!

Charles Strong has done extensive research on resveratrol and has more to share at his site Visit it now for more resveratrol research.


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